Underwater positioning

Started on 1 May، 20237.00am - 9.00am

In this skill, the diver learns to use the compass to determine underwater directions from the starting point and the direction of the shore.

  • After this dive, you can estimate the distance in several ways underwater.
  • In addition to using the Compass well in determining the entry and exit point, knowing the direction of the beach, going back and forth, and making geometric shapes underwater such as a square, rectangle, or triangle.

Details and features of lessons in the swimming club Deep Dive Istanbul:

  • The best and most luxurious private swimming pools are rated 5 stars.
  • Under the supervision of the most skilled international trainers.
  • It is 8-10 lessons.
  • The training will be 2 to 3 sessions per week.
  • There is a special discount for groups.

Book Now! your lessons now and get an early registration discount through direct communication from here

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